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Ratae RC visits the Matt Hampson Foundation

On Saturday 2 September a group of Ratae members rode out to the first cyclists' open day at the Matt Hampson Foundation at Burrough on the Hill which was organised by club member Gary Sherrard who works for the centre. We all had a most interesting visit and ride fol;lowing which Gary wrote to us:

Thank you for joining us during #GetBusyCycling Day at the Matt Hampson Foundation on Saturday.

I hope you agree it was a great day all round, blessed with beautiful weather and good company at an outstanding venue and, of course, an excellent selection of cake. Visitors climbed the equivalent of a quarter of the way up Everest on Burrough Hill to see us so you certainly earned it!

The Foundation helps young sportspeople after life-changing injury and its work depends on building awareness and fundraising so your support is greatly appreciated.

We have already received some great feedback and I am now looking at plans for the future, including rides and cycling-themed events with speakers and guests. If you have any feedback or comments on the kind of events you would be interested in, then feel free to contact me (details below). I will share more details with you in due course and hope we see you again at the Centre.

If you would like to know more about Matt Hampson, the Foundation or the Get Busy Living Centre, see the website link below or you can contact me at any time.

Gary Sherrard

Mobile: 07894 783345

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